How to Create the Best Blog Post Outline in 3 Minutes!

Hey there! Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – creating the best blog post outline. You see, as a freelance writer I see that clients sometimes struggle to give clear and concise outlines to writers, leaving them with a bit of a pickle on their hands. It’s like asking a baker to try to baking a cake without a recipe. Not ideal, right?

That’s where the importance of creating the best blog post outline comes into play. A good outline is like the backbone of your content; it provides a clear roadmap for the writer to follow, and ensures the final product is nothing short of amazing. It’s like having a GPS guiding you on a road trip – no more getting lost in the sea of information!

So, buckle up, my friend! We’re about to go on a whirlwind tour of how to create the best blog post outline in just 3 minutes. No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you – 3 minutes is all it takes! I’ll be diving into:

  1. Searching for long tail keywords on Google
  2. Noting the top 5 pages in the SERP
  3. Copying all the H title tags
  4. Removing irrelevant topics and adding missing relevant ones

And who is this nifty guide for? I write this mainly for small businesses, but whether you’re penning your own content or reaching out to a freelance writer, this guide will be a lifesaver. Trust me, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

Now, before we kick things off, let me clarify something: you don’t need to be a literary genius to craft a killer best blog post outline. So, without further ado, let’s dive headfirst into this adventure and start building that perfect outline!

In the following steps, I’ll explore each in detail, and by the end of this joyride, you’ll have all the tools you need to whip up an awesome outline – and fast!

And remember, whether you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats or leading a team of writers, having a well-crafted blog post outline is the secret ingredient for creating content that’s engaging, informative, and (most importantly) ranks high on Google SERPs.

How can I create the best blog post outline for my content?

Search for a long tail keyword on Google and consider using keyword research tools, explore the top 5 pages in the SERP to gain insights into what’s working well for your competitors, copy all the H title tags from the top 5 pages, remove irrelevant topics from the H title tags and add any missing relevant topics to create a tailored, engaging outline that stands out. These simple steps, help you create an effective and well-structured blog post outline that will resonate with your target audience and help you rank higher in Google SERPs while improving the reader experience.

Before diving in, keep the following table handy, it’s a very simple chart to keep in mind when creating the best blog post outline for your own use, or when passing it on to your freelance writer to create content for you.



Tips & Tools


Search for a long tail keyword on Google.

Focus on long tail keywords vs. short ones.

Consider Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz.


Note the top 5 pages in the SERP.

Understand why analyzing top 5 pages is important.

Identify the top 5 pages.


Copy all the H title tags.

Focus on H title tags.

Use the "Header Tags Copier" Firefox add-on or Chrome extension.


Remove irrelevant topics and add missing relevant ones.

Understand the importance of refining your outline.

Use ChatGPT to quickly, easily merge H title tags and add missing topics.

Step 1: Search for long tail keyword on Google.

Alrighty, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of Step 1: Searching for long tail keywords on Google. You see, long tail keywords are the unsung heroes of the SEO world. They’re like the secret sauce that makes your content finger-licking good. But why are they so important? 🤔

Well, compared to their short keyword cousins, long tail keywords are more specific, less competitive, and boast a higher conversion rate. It’s like casting a smaller net in the ocean, but you’ll catch the fish that are actually interested in what you have to offer. In other words, they’re the key to unlocking that sweet, sweet organic traffic.

Now, how do you go about finding these precious gems? Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Head over to Google: Yep, our trusty friend Google is a treasure trove of long tail keywords. Just type in your seed keyword (in this case, “create the best blog post outline”) and watch the magic unfold. Google will auto-suggest some long tail options based on what people are actually searching for. Neat, huh?
  2. Take a gander at the “Searches related to…” section: At the bottom of the search results page, you’ll find a goldmine of long tail keywords in the “Searches related to…” section. These are like little breadcrumbs leading you to SEO success.

For example, some long tail keywords related to our seed keyword might be:

  • “create the best blog post outline in 3 minutes”
  • “steps to create an effective blog post outline”
  • “how to outline a best blog post for SEO”

Now, while Google is undeniably awesome, sometimes you need a little extra firepower to find those perfect long tail keywords. Enter: keyword research tools! Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Ubersuggest: This nifty tool, created by the SEO guru himself, Neil Patel, offers a plethora of long tail keyword suggestions, as well as insights on search volume, competition, and more.
  • SEMrush: A powerhouse in the SEO world, SEMrush offers a treasure trove of keyword data, including long tail suggestions, competition analysis, and even content ideas. It’s like having an SEO genie at your disposal!
  • Ahrefs: Another big player in the SEO game, Ahrefs boasts an extensive keyword database, long tail suggestions, and invaluable insights on search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty.
  • Moz: With its user-friendly interface and powerful keyword analysis tools, Moz is a fantastic resource for unearthing long tail keywords that’ll give your content that extra oomph.

So, there you have it! Step 1 is all about discovering those hidden long tail keywords that’ll help your content rise to the top like cream on milk. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to creating the best blog post outline that’ll leave your competition green with envy.

Step 2: Note the top 5 pages in the SERP.

Now that you’ve got your hands on those scrumptious long tail keywords, it’s time to move on to Step 2: Noting the top 5 pages in the SERP. You might be wondering:

“Why should I care about the top 5 pages?”

These pages are at the top for a reason, they’re jam-packed with valuable information, and by studying them, you can uncover the secret ingredients that make them stand out from the crowd. It’s like peeking at the blueprints of a bestselling novel; you get a glimpse into the winning formula.

Now, how do you go about identifying the top 5 pages, you ask? It’s as easy as pie! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Type your long tail keyword into Google: Pop that shiny new long tail keyword you found earlier into the search bar and hit “Enter.”
  2. Feast your eyes on the search results: Google will serve up a smorgasbord of web pages related to your keyword. Now, don’t get too overwhelmed! We’re only interested in the top 5 results, so ignore the rest for now.
  3. Make a note of the URLs: Jot down the URLs of the top 5 pages, or simply bookmark them in your browser for easy access later on.

And there you have it!

By exploring the top 5 pages, you’ll gain valuable insights into the type of content that resonates with your target audience, as well as the structure and format that works best for them –  even the gaps that you can fill with your own unique perspective. 

It’s like standing on the shoulders of giants, giving you a bird’s-eye view of the content landscape. So, get ready to take some notes and let the learning begin!

Step 3: Copy all the H title tags.

With a firm grasp on the top 5 pages, we’re ready to roll on to Step 3: Copying all the H title tags. “Hold up,” you might say, “what the heck are H title tags?” Fear not, my friend! I’m here to spill the beans.

H title tags, or header tags, are HTML elements that define headings and subheadings within your content. They range from H1 (the most important) down to H6 (the least important). These tags not only help structure your content, making it more reader-friendly, but also give search engines like Google an idea of what your content is all about. And for your readers, it  makes it easy for them to pick and choose what they want to consume out of your content.

Heads-up! I made this step even easier for you! I’ve created the “Header Tags Copier” add-on for Firefox and extension for Chrome, making it a piece of cake to copy all those H title tags.

Here’s where you can get your hands “Header Tags Copier”:

  1. Firefox users: Visit the ”Header Tags Copier“ add-on page at Mozilla. and install the “Header Tags Copier” add-on.
  2. Chrome users: Point your browser to the “Header Tags Copier” extension at the Chrome store..

With these handy tools at your disposal, copying H title tags will be a breeze! Just visit one of the top 5 pages you noted earlier, click on the “Header Tags Copier” icon in your browser, and voilĂ ! – all the H title tags will be neatly copied, ready for you to paste into your outline.

By leveraging the H title tags from the top 5 pages, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon, ensuring your content is structured, engaging, and SEO-friendly. It’s like having a seasoned sous-chef in your kitchen, guiding you every step of the way as you whip up a mouthwatering blog post outline. Bon appĂ©tit!

Step 4: Remove irrelevant topics and add missing relevant topics.

Alright, buckle up, because we’re on to Step 4: Removing irrelevant topics and adding missing relevant topics. This step is like putting the cherry on top of your best blog post outline sundae, ensuring it’s the perfect blend of flavors that’ll have your readers coming back for seconds.

Now, why is this step so crucial? Well, let me tell ya! You might have copied a truckload of H title tags from the top 5 pages, but not all of them will be a perfect fit for your content. Some might be as irrelevant as a snow cone in a snowstorm, while others might be missing the mark completely. By trimming the fat and adding in relevant topics, you’ll create an outline that’s tailored to your audience and stands out from the competition. It’s like taking a rough diamond and polishing it until it shines bright like a star.

So, how do you go about pruning and adding to your H title tags? Just follow these simple tips:

  1. Scrutinize the copied H title tags: Go through the H title tags you’ve copied, keeping a keen eye out for any that seem off-topic, repetitive, or just plain irrelevant. Then, give ’em the ol’ heave-ho!
  2. Ponder on missing relevant topics: Put on your thinking cap and consider any important topics that might be missing from the H title tags. These could be gaps you’ve identified in your research or unique insights you’d like to share. Jot down these nuggets of wisdom and add them to your outline.

Now, when it comes to merging H title tags and adding missing ones, ChatGPT is here to lend a helping hand! Just shoot it a command prompt like this:

{“role”: “assistant”, “cmd”: “merge_title_tags”, “input”: “List of copied H title tags”, “add”: “List of missing relevant topics”}

Or you could use a prompt that goes something like:

You are an SEO expert that has been helping people write blog posts that rank highly on SERPs for the past 20 years. Using your expert option and experience think about the above list of H header title tags to use for a blog post outline. You want to create the best blog post outline that will perform well in SERPs and also be the most helpful to readers of the blog post. Please suggest topics that are missing from this outline that could add the best value to readers and search engines. Also add ideas that are uncommon and thought provoking.

And voilĂ ! It’ll work its magic and serve up a shiny new set of H title tags that are merged and include the missing relevant topics.


Why are long tail keywords important to make the best blog post outline?

Long tail keywords are more specific and targeted, which leads to less competition and higher chances of ranking well in search results. They also help you create more focused content that resonates with your target audience.

How do I identify irrelevant topics and add missing relevant topics to my best blog post outline?

Review the H title tags you’ve copied, and remove any topics that don’t align with your chosen keyword or target audience. Then, think about any additional information or points that would be valuable to your readers, and add them to the outline to make it more comprehensive and engaging.

How can I quickly copy H title tags from top-ranking pages?

Use the “Header Tags Copier” Firefox add-on or Chrome extension to easily copy H title tags from the top 5 pages. These tags provide a solid starting point for creating a well-structured best best blog post outline.

What are H title tags, and why are they important for blog post outlines?

H title tags (also called header tags) are HTML elements used to structure headings and subheadings within your content. They provide a clear content hierarchy and help both search engines and readers understand your content’s structure and main points.

Conclusion: Creating the Best Blog Post Outline.

Well, folks, we’ve reached the grand finale, the pièce de rĂ©sistance – our conclusion! It’s time to tie up all those loose ends, take a step back, and bask in the glory of the rockin’ best blog post outline we’ve created together. So, let’s take a leisurely stroll down memory lane and recap the steps we’ve taken on this wild ride:

  1. Search for a long tail keyword on Google: We kicked things off by hunting down a fabulous long tail keyword, giving us the perfect foundation to build our content upon.
  2. Note the top 5 pages in the SERP: Next, we put our detective hats on and scoped out the top 5 pages, mining them for valuable insights and inspiration.
  3. Copy all the H title tags: Armed with our trusty “Header Tags Copier” add-on or extension, we nabbed all those juicy H title tags, creating a solid structure for our outline.
  4. Remove irrelevant topics and add missing relevant topics: Finally, we polished our outline to perfection, trimming the fat and adding in any missing pieces to make it truly shine.

But wait, there’s more! Let’s not forget the cherry on top – the benefits of crafting an effective outline for both clients and their freelance writers. You see, a top-notch outline is like a trusty road map, guiding writers on a smooth journey through the content creation process. It helps to avoid those pesky detours and dead ends, ensuring your best blog post is engaging, informative, and on-point. For clients, this means better content that resonates with their target audience, drives traffic, and ultimately, boosts their bottom line.

In the end, putting together the best blog post outline is a win-win for everyone involved. It’s the secret sauce that turns good content into great content, leaving readers craving more and coming back for seconds. So, give yourself a pat on the back, because you’ve now got the know-how to create the best blog post outline in just 3 minutes flat! Go forth and conquer, my friend – you’ve got this!

As a freelance writer, I also specialize in creating blog content that fits your inbound content marketing strategy and tailored to your specific niche and the silos you use. If you already have AI-generated content, don’t worry. I offer an AI text rewriter service that can humanize the text and make it more engaging for your audience. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help your inbound content marketing strategy succeed!


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